The Newcomers 1967

The Newcomers circa 1967

The Newcomers with some names

The Newcomers was a drama series produced at Gosta Green, in Birmingham, in the 1960s. It was originally shot in black and white, but moved to colour with the OB scanner as a drive in outside the studio providing the colour facilities.

The following people have been identified:

Bill Sellars producer, Wendy Richard actor, Jeremy Bullock Actor, Maggie Fitzgibbon acton. Islwyn Evans  floor manager, Michael Bowen  production assistant, Paul Kerr floor staff, Pauline Pearson nee Dodds producers assistant, Bunny Hall duplicating, Michael Edwards design, Miles Lang, designer, Alan Farrington, Wally Aspey scenic, Fred Foster props, Jim Lloyds props, Sid Wright, Ann Brown now Doling costume, Joyce Hawkins costume designer,

On right, next to Jacky in striped dress, actress Mitzi  Rogers who married John Davies, Director. Between Gerald Cross and Alan Browning is Naomi Chance, actress, Left of Barry Letts is Rita Dunn.  Behind Rita, Ann Brown now Ann Doling, dresser, who is somehow named Helen Cotterill, who was not even in the cast. Behind Rita is I think Bob Hubbard, camera.


Chris Rowlands on the RAC Rally

Photo from Mel Stevens, no reproduction without permission

This photo is of Film Unit’s Chris Rowlands, when he was Editing Organiser. It dates from the mid to late 1980s and is from the RAC Rally. Chris would order in editing equipment to fit out a van to edit on location.

The following comments were left on the Pebble Mill Facebook page:

Ian Collins: I was the editor on CM2 working on the Rally in 1988. John Burkill was Producer along with the late John Smith if I remember rightly and Tony Rayner was the Director. I think LO22 was also involved but I can’t rennet where we were located.

Ned Abell: Remember CM2 parked nearly outside the Nottingham Albany rally headquarters..and the Laguna Tandoori 3 steps away after transmission with starters on the table!!

Malcolm Hickman: I did plan the radio links for the RAC rally which was starting in Scarborough. That would have been the late 80s.

Look! Hear! Fashion Show

Photos by camera operator Bhasker Solanki of a fashion show on the popular, regional entertainment show’ Look! Hear!’, with Toyah Willcox. This section of the show was called ‘College Rags’ and ultimately led to ‘The Clothes Show’. Roger Casstles, was a director on Look! Hear! and became the exec producer of ‘The Clothes Show’.

Photos by Bhasker Solanki, no reproduction without permission


Camera Crew and the Nike Crane

Photographs by Bhasker Solanki, no reproduction without permission

The top photo features camera operators Philip Thickett and Alan Duxbury. The lower photo features camera operator, Keith Froggatt.

If the photographs are from The Various Ends of Mrs F’s Friends, then they date from 1981.

The following comment was added on the Pebble Mill Facebook Page:

James French: ‘That is a Nike crane from London. It only came up a couple of times. I’m guessing this is from ‘The Various Ends of Mrs F’s Friends’ directed and choreographed by Gillian Lynne?’


Pebble Mill at One – flower power

Photo from Lynda Kettle, no reproduction without permission

A Pebble Mill at One item, with production design by Lynda Kettle.

Gail Britt left the following comment on the Pebble Mill Facebook page: between 1972 and 75 l worked as a props buyer then scenic painter. I think l made the flowers, they ring a distant bell!