These photos of Pebble Mill at One date from May 1986. Paul Coia presents an item on ‘I Ran the World’, the sports aid spin off of Live Aid. Some people thought Sebastian Coe and Paul looked similar, so the production team decided to invite him on as a guest and join in the show. Apparently, Paul Coia still has the T-shirt.
Monthly Archives: August 2022
Kate Bush on Saturday Night at the Mill
It was good to watch a recent repeat of ‘Kate Bush at the BBC’. It featured her singing on Saturday Night at the Mill. I was secretary to Roy Ronnie and Roy Norton from 1976-1980 and she had to dictate the words of her song, which I took down in shorthand. I remember her singing it softly to me. She was fascinated by shorthand!
Happy days sharing an office with the two Roys, Keith Ackrill, Patricia Mifflin and Liz Silver.
Linda Moffat
Peggy Lee Entertains 1981
These photos of the US performer, Peggy Lee are from a show called ‘Peggy Lee Entertains’ from 1981.
The following comments were left on the Pebble Mill Facebook page:
Maggie Humphries: That’s me in the middle audience with Aunt and Uncle, it was an amazing night and I was just talking about it a couple of days ago, great music, great memories.
Jane Mclean: I PA-ed it. THINK Bob Langley presented it.
Annette Martin: I Vision Mixed the show. It was a wonderful evening in the 80s. Peggy had difficulty walking so she rehearsed in a wheelchair with an assistant moving her to the various positions on the stage! It was surreal but come the show she moved superbly- what a pro and her voice was fabulous- a VM highlight for me and everyone involved. I think John Smith Directed and Jim Dumighan was involved.
David Ian Bellinger: Worked with Pete Moore, her MD all week – first in the radio studio for Radio 2 and then that weekend – one of my most memorable times in 25 years at the Mill, No band could have been more prepared for that diamond of a TV Music Show ….. Oh – so many memories of this. When Pete asked me to add strings to a Paul Whiteman original arrangement I nearly passed out – finished it with minutes to go – yes the ink was still wet! Didn’t sleep for three days. My time at the Mill? I’d have paid the Licence Payers (Bless’Em) for the honour and spending my time with my second family every day at work.
Carole Haysom: Yvonne Brockbank was the make up designer.