Pot Black – Barry Hill’s retirement

Pot Black Barry Hill Pebble Mill News 84












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This clipping is from the March 1984 edition of the Pebble Mill News.

The photo shows TM Barry Hill being presented with a replica version of the Pot Black trophy, from the popular snooker tournament, by Alan Weeks, on the occasion of his retirement. Barry, who had been a BBC employee for 43 years, worked on the series since it began in 1969.

Thanks for Robin Sunderland for making the Pebble Mill News available.

The following comments were left on the Pebble Mill Facebook page:

Peter Trevena: ‘I did 4 pot blacks with Barry fun times.’

Gordon Astley: ‘I was in sound on the first Pot Black. My first proper job after training!’

Judith Markall: ‘I remember him well – a lovely man.’

Lynn Cullimore: ‘Yes I remember working with Barry. Always professional and nice to work with.’