Ysanne Churchman playing Grace Archer: Copyright resides with the original holder, no reproduction without permission
There is a radio drama about the death ‘Grace Archer’, played by Ysanne Churchman (widow of Tony Pilgrim), on Radio 4 at 2.30pm on Saturday 19th September 2015. It is entitled Dead Girls Tell No Tales.
Below is the programme information:
Here is a piece from BBC Breakfast trailing the radio play:
“Sixty years ago, twenty million people tuned in to hear the demise of Grace on The Archers. It made radio history. To mark the anniversary a drama called, ‘Dead Girls Tell No Tales’ reveals what happened behind the scenes at the BBC and how the public reacted to the storyline.” http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p032rd2l
Thanks to Annie Gumbley-Williams for letting us know about the radio drama.