Tony Inchley, Pat de Whalley, David Robey, Cathy Peloe

Tony Inchley Managing Editor BBC WM, David Robey Managing Editor BBC London, PdW












Photo from Pat de Whalley, no reproduction without permission.

From left to right: Tony Inchley, Managing Editor Radio WM; Pat de Whalley, presenter; David Robey, Managing Editor BBC London, Cathy Peloe.

The following comment was left on the Pebble Mill Facebook page:

Vicky King: ‘don’t know what this event is but remember interviewing candidates with Tony Inchley and David Robey – I was the HR Manager – in those days 3 or 4 of us sat in front of the poor candidates – and we had tea, coffee and biscuits delivered at intervals – how times have changed . . . . .’