Alec Robson

Thanks to Alec’s son, Michael for sharing these photos. They are of cameraman Alec Robson’s retirement party at BBC Pebble Mill. Alec sadly died in 2020.

L-R: Jim Dumighan, Glyn Elledge, Ruby Robson, Alec, Fred Hale (house services), Don Cooper in glasses on the right.

L-R Chris Howard (studio sparks), Alec Robson, Keith Moreton

Alec Robson with Derek Price

Wood Norton Lighting Course – Dave Bushell












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Just found the attached picture of some old Pebble Mill colleagues on a lighting training course at Wood Norton in August 1995. In addition to those named are the tutors, Peter Bryenton on the left and myself (Dave Bushell) on the right.

(Thanks to Dave Bushell for making the photo available.)