Room to the side of Pres, before the Pres Gallery was built. Photos from Stuart Gandy, no reproduction without permission.
These photos from Stuart Gandy show the building of the Pres Gallery in 1991. The first photo shows the ‘before’, the second the ‘during’ and the third, the ‘after’.
Stuart describes how the gallery was built: “the talkback panel in here with the mic sticking out of it was entirely home built, like we did back then – all analogue wiring in and out of the panel designed by me and Charlotte – built by Mech workshop and wired by Pete Holmes.”
These photos were originally shared on the Pebble Mill Engineers Facebook group.
The following comments were added on the Pebble Mill Facebook page:
Paul Hunt: ‘Is it Clare Clibbery-Davies on the Pres desk and Craig Wood on the Paintbox? Not sure who’s on the Aston?’
Craig Wood: ‘that’s going back a bit, yep that’s me lurking at the back. I can’t work out who it is on Aston either.’
Gary Williams: ‘Jacqui Cawston on the Aston?’