2nd Floor Bar – photos by Peter Poole

Photos by Peter Poole, no reproduction without permission.

The photos show the bar on the 2nd floor of Pebble Mill, before it was moved to the new Club building in the mid 1980s. The 2nd floor bar proved to be a creative melting pot, where staff from all departments mingled after recordings, at lunch time and at the end of the day.

The photos include Liz Nicholls, Martin Harris, Sharon Pemberton, John Allen, Gail Herbert and Geoff Watts.

Please add a comment if you can identify any others.

The following comments were left on the Pebble Mill Facebook Group:

Maggie Humphries: ‘Peter Skinner from Finance and Geoff Watts another couple of names’.

Janet Collins:  ‘I think it’s Sue Brown in a couple of photos’.

Susan Astle: ‘Definitely Sam from makeup -is she standing next to Graham Pettifer from the scene crew? From Susie Bankers’

Brian Johnson: ‘In one of the group photos , first from left, Alex who I think was Bar Manager for a time before leaving with Sarah (standing next to him) , to run a pub somewhere in Worcs I think. In front of them (seated) Colin from security who I believe sadly took his own life in the late 70s when he was still working in P Mill Security.’

Gail Herbert: ‘The tall guy in the group picture is Jeremy Pallant, producer of Farming, etc and I think Sue Williams in in the 3rd photo.’

Top Sailing – photos by Peter Poole

Photos by Peter Poole, no reproduction without permission.

Peter Poole was the sound recordist on this location film shoot for the network series ‘Top Sailing’, broadcast between 1980-83, and produced at Pebble Mill.  The photos include cameraman Steve Saunderson, with the beard, with the other person probably being producer Jeremy Pallant. These photos were taken about 1983 in Lymington.  Peter developed the photos himself in the Pebble Mill processing lab.

‘Top Sailing’ was a factual series about various aspects of yachting, looking at stories like ‘The Admiral’s Cup’. Different episodes were presented by different sailing enthusiasts including: Martin Muncaster,  Donny Macleod, Iain Cuthbertson, Anthony Churchill, Bob Fisher, Patrick Mower, Suzanne Danielle. Clive Gardener was an editor on the series.