Pot Black titles grab, copyright resides with the original holder, no reproduction without permission
Director and producer, Reg Perrin died last Saturday 11th June 2016, aged 90.
The information about him below is from Jim Dumighan:
“He lived in Eastbourne for some years, having moved there from Nottinghamshire, where he settled after retiring from Pebble Mill. He celebrated his 90th birthday on 24th May with a family gathering.
Having started in radio in his native London, Reg moved into television and joined BBC Midlands in the 1950s. He worked closely with Barrie Edgar and Phil Lewis, and for many years acted as studio director of Come Dancing. One of the first series he directed from Gosta Green was Keep Fit with Eileen Fowler.
In 1970 Reg replaced Phil Lewis as producer of Pot Black. He later produced Jazz at the Mill, the first music special to come out of Pebble Mill in 1973.”