Here is a small piece of broadcasting heritage that has been kept for posterity – a little lump of the cladding from Pebble Mill, near Studio A.
The following comments were left on the Pebble Mill Facebook Group:
Stuart Gandy: ‘Looking back 8 years on, sometimes I ask myself why we had to leave Pebble Mill. It’s a challenge to think of good genuine reasons.’
Mike Workman: ‘Because there are none – nothing that couldn’t be fixed with a cash injection! It’s happened now though, BBC Birmingham is soon to be downsized into nothing more than Midlands Today and WM and there’s nothing we can do about it – the Unions seem powerless!
The arguments used are weak, as a viewer I felt no more connected to the BBC when it went to the Mailbox, it’s just as locked down! In fact, the entire Salford move was to basically “centralise out of London to look good on paper” – the arguments used for that are just as weak as the ones to go from The Mill to the Mailbox! I feel more distanced from the Corporation after 2004/5, like they’re trying to isolate themselves from the rest of the UK.’
Gordon Astley:.’Mike…what Union??? This coming from the first person to strike at the BBC in Birmingham back in the ’70’s. Let’s get a DG with BALLS who will stand up to government and back the staff (by that I mean people who make programmes and don’t have an orgasm at a powerpoint presentation at an awayday!!)’
Caroline Feldon Parsons: ‘I’ve got a piece of Pebble Mill mosaic! And, now the Mailbox is emptying at a rate of knots, maybe my red Mailbox Mug dated 2004 will be interesting someday!!’
Mike Workman: ‘Perhaps what’s scary is just how clean that is – given the site it came from!
DG… Balls… – Not happening Gordon, remember Salford Quays is the future with it’s plethora of studios – but hang on, studio productions have decreased that’s why they closed Pebble Mill! Oh right. It was just a cop out, it upset TVC and London offering similar and better resources and working spaces for cheaper rent and they didn’t like that! Politics.
I’ll also add the new ‘Studio’ BBC Breakfast is in (as well as North West Tonight) is smaller than Midlands Today’s space and is just the end of an office!’
Keith Brook: ‘I recognise that bit of mosaic. I regularly banged my head against it.’
Matthew Skill: ‘only in the course of work, or frustration about work, I hope ?’
Keith Brook: ‘Usually because of people who thought they were god’s gift to television, but actually shouldn’t have been allowed anywhere near a studio. Personnel also had that effect on me.’