Feasts for a Fiver

Alan Duxbury recording Feasts for a Fiver, Andy Morton sound recordist to the left of Alan, Sue Watson on the left

Alan Duxbury recording

Sophie Grigson location shoot

Micci Bamford with Sophie Grigson

Sophie Grigson and Micci Bamford, Alan Duxbury in back of shot




























































These photos were taken in a shoot for Feasts for a Fiver, a cookery series starring Sophie Grigson.

The series was transmitted in 1999 on BBC2. This episode may be the one shot in Kent. Here is the entry from the Radio Times:

“Sophie Grigson prepares battered plaice and herb sandwich with griddled potato, tomato and red-onion salad, plus a vegetarian supper that includes beetroot curry and cucumber sambal, and a cut-price picnic for five. Directors Micci Billinger. Lynda Maher ; Producer Sara Kozak.”

During one episode the crew stayed in the coastal Devon village of Appledore. The location inspired producer Sue Watson, who is now a novelist. Appledore is the setting for Sue’s latest novel, Ella’s Ice Cream Summer.

Here is the link to Ella’s Ice Cream Summer: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Ellas-Ice-Cream-Summer-romantic-sprinkles-ebook/dp/B06XK5PLYF%3FSubscriptionId%3D0V4JT1H35KWYMF0SKQR2%26tag%3Dnovelrank-21%26linkCode%3Dxm2%26camp%3D2025%26creative%3D165953%26creativeASIN%3DB06XK5PLYF










The following comment was posted on the Pebble Mill Facebook page:

Andy Frizzell: ‘Bumped into Sophie Grigson a couple of times over the last couple of years. Ran a café in the Story museum, Oxford then a frozen food shop in Summertown, Oxford’




Ainsley’s Big Cook Out













Copyright resides with the original holder, no reproduction without permission.

This titles grab is from the six part cookery series: Ainsley’s Big Cook Out, which went out in summer 1999. Here is the Radio Times entry for the first episode, courtesy of the BBC Genome project:

‘Beginning a six-part travelling cookery programme. Chef
Ainsley Harriott travels the Americas in search of the finest local ingredients with which to prepare his own barbecue recipes, starting in the Canadian island province of Newfoundland.
He visits Signal Hill, just outside the capital, and also goes white-water rafting in western Quebec. Harriott’s creations include scallops with coriander, fishcakes, pan-fried cod, barbecued river eel and, for two Mounties, Canadian pancakes.’ http://genome.ch.bbc.co.uk/90ad756523aa4b799016adeb0d8fda5a

The producer was Sara Kozak, with Roger Casstles as Exec Producer.

Thanks to VT editor, Ian Collins, for making the grab available.