Photos by Lynda Kettle, no reproduction without permission. Lynda Kettle was a Production Designer at BBC Pebble Mill, working on factual, entertainment and drama shows in studio and on location. The photos were taken as records of the Sets.
‘Tycoon’ was a thirteen-part drama series about the world of big business, it was recorded at Pebble Mill in Studio A. The series was created by John Sichel, he also directed several episodes, it was produced by William Slater. The series aired on BBC1 between 18th Sept 1978, and the 11th Dec 1978. The drama starred Diane Cilento as Diane Clark, Norman Rodway as Jonathon Browning, Jean Kent as Mary Clark, Edward Hardwicke as Donald Sanders and Christopher Gable as Charles Clark. Sue Peck was the costume designer, Gillian Hughes the make-up artist, Geoffrey Hewitt recorded the studio sound, and Lynda Kettle was the designer on some of the episodes, Gavin Davies on others.
Production Designer, Lynda Kettle also worked as a theatre designer and an artist, and now runs courses from her art studio She is a member of the Royal Birmingham Society of Artists, Birmingham Water Colour Society. Midland Pastel Society and Birmingham Art Circle . She exhibits her paintings several times a year at selected galleries.

Lynda Kettle