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Patrick Moore, astronomer and presenter of ‘The Sky at Night’, died at his home today at the age of 89. He presented the monthly astronomy programme for over 50 years, making him the longest serving presenter on the same title. The first episode of ‘The Sky at Night’ was broadcast on 24 April, 1957, and he last appeared in an episode broadcast on 3 Dec 2012.
The series was originally produced in London, it moved to BBC Pebble Mill around 2002.
Thanks to Ian Collins for making the still available.
The following comments were added on the Pebble Mill Facebook Group:
Mike Taynton: ‘I remember meeting him when my dad Interviewed him for his radio show. He gave me some signed books on astronomy, I was one happy 10 year old.’
Gary Williams: ‘Did many graphics for the prog, always a challenge, always interesting, always worthwhile.’
Tim Jones: ‘I had the pleasure of getting somewhat tipsy with him on a few occasions after a filming from his home over the last year or two. Even when his medication was not doing him any favours his quick wit and cutting remarks remained razor sharp. His body tried to give up 10 years ago but his mind and personality always made him a powerful force in this universe. He will be missed by so many. I am just very grateful I got to meet a childhood hero. Patrick you are a legend .’
Pete Simpkin: ‘I interviewed Patrick a couple of times at PM and really enjoyed his ‘off mike’ conversation too, he had very strong views on many things but had the ability to make anyone want to take up astronomy at a moments notice!I think Mike Taynton may be referring to Patrick’s Astronomy for beginners, I had one too but we used it as a prize for an on air competition. A great man who will be missed in a world increasingly losing it’s eccentrics.’