Pebble Mill Cleaning Ladies

Pebble Mill cleaning ladies Judith Markall















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This photo is of the Pebble Mill cleaning ladies in the early 1970s.

Elsie Brown was the only full time ladies cloakroom attendant and did so for about 20 years.

Please add a comment if you can name others in the photo.

(Thanks to Judith Markall for sharing the photo).

The following comments were left on the Pebble Mill Facebook Page:

Keith Brook: ‘This may have been the moment when Sidey did his famous quote ‘From the cleaners downwards ……’

That lovely play on words earned him an annual invite to the girl’s Christmas canal barge party!!

They were a great crowd.’

Lynn Cullimore: ‘They were fantastic and so dedicated. Who remembers murial with the beehive hairdo? She took part in the barmaids arms series.’

Dharmesh Rajput: ‘Memories of cleaners – so in the final years of Pebble Mill – who remembers Sharon? She was lovely, but god help you if you were still working late when she needed to clean!’

Judith Markall: Elsie Brown was my mom and she loved working there. We were able to catch up during the day when I worked in Planning Office. She was the only lady that was there all day as the others only worked early mornings. Yes Keith they were a great bunch !

[Included are] Elsie Brown, Elsie Lloyd, Edie Harrison, Olive Taylor, Edna Cuneen, Also ladies I have no surnames for – Betty, Anne, Pat, Doreen. I see Phil Sidey is there and I can’t remember the name of the other Manager.

One comment on “Pebble Mill Cleaning Ladies
  1. My Gran, Olive Taylor is at the back of the photo, standing up next to the man in the middle. Sadly she died on the 12th February this year (2018) aged 93. Her funeral is this week on Thursday 🙁

    Gran used to tell us what great Christmas parties they were – where Les Ross did the music and the props guys put some ops behind the bar?

    I used to go to dancing lessons which were run by Muriel and her sister Beryl…

    Lovely to see this photograph – especially this

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