Last Pebble Mill booking!

Photos from Shirley O’Mara, no reproduction without permission.  These photos feature most of the Post Production team as Pebble Mill was stripped out for the move to the Mailbox in 2004.

Pebble Mill over the years

Copyright resides with the original photographers. These photos were taken by different members of Post Production at Pebble Mill, including: Paul Scholes, Ian Collins, Ben Peissel and Jim Gregory.  Many date from the early 1970’s, as you can see from the cars in the car park, with a few later ones!

Pebble Mill at One rehearsal

Photos by Robin Sunderland, no reproduction without permission

Photos taken by Robin Sunderland, not to be reproduced without permission. Cameraman Robin Sunderland took these photos of a Pebble Mill at One rehearsal shortly after completing his camera training in the 1980s.  They feature presenters Marion Foster and Donny Mcleod, and a young looking Nick Patten (now Head of BBC Birmingham and Manchester Factual Programmes – Vision Productions) is floor managing.  The cameramen are: Brian Cave, Jim Gray and Dave Lawson with Alan Duxbury doing ‘Captions’ up on camera 5.  Please add a comment if you recognise other people in the photographs – thanks!



Photos from drama producer Bev Dartnall, not to be reproduced without permission.

Dangerfield was a police surgeon drama series which started in 1995, and ran until 1999. Paul Dangerfield, the police surgeon, was played by Nigel Le Vaillant, with Joanna Stevens being played by Amanda Redman.  In later series Nigel Havers played the lead.  Chris Parr was the Executive Producer.  Dangerfield was produced at Pebble Mill.

It is Kenilworth Castle which is shown in a couple of the photos.

Saturday Night at the Mill – Keith Ackrill’s photos

Bob Langley dances with Ginger Rogers

These photos are not be reproduced without permission.

Saturday Night at the Mill’ was a spin off from ‘Pebble Mill at One’, and featured live entertainment from the Pebble Mill foyer.  Kenny Ball’s jazz band was the resident band.  The show ran from 3/6/76 until 11/7/81, and there were 89 episodes.  The photos feature: Bob Langley dancing with Ginger Rogers, Jenny Hanley, Natalie Wood, John Bennett, Marvin Hamlisch, Roger Whittaker, Robert Wagner.