Pete Simpkin 1942-2020

Radio Birmingham and Radio WM presenter and producer Pete Simpkin sadly died on 29th June 2020.

Pete Simpkin

The following comments were shared on the Pebble Mill Facebook page:

Gyn Freeman: He really was Radio Birmingham then newbies arrived with “ideas” change of name for the station and other changes. He was loved by his listeners and years after I found him being kind and help elderly residents – so a real Brummy a decent chap.

Clive Payne: I knew Pete when I joined WM in 1989. In those days the BBC invested heavily in training people and Pete did a lot of that as well as being a highly acclaimed and established producer and presenter too. He taught me everything I knew and it is down to him that I have the radio career that I have today. Without him, I know it would not have happened. I grew up in Shirley; Pete lived there with his wife Pat, so I used to see them around anyway. Pete and I used to come home together on the 49 bus sometimes and used to put the world to rights. He taught us all on our course about the ‘red light rule’ i.e. not entering a studio with a red light glowing, an ethos I am a stickler with today. On the odd occasion where people have come into my studio through a read light – they have had a reality check from me not to do it again! Pete taught me to edit on quarter inch tape, like we all did in those days and how to research an item and importantly not to over -research it. He also taught me how to deliver speech on air and the importance of articulation and comprehension. Speech based radio is still by far my favourite form. I am glad that I and other like me knew him not only as a colleague but a friend too and received the value of his many years of experience and training. My career and I are far better off with it.

4 comments on “Pete Simpkin 1942-2020
  1. I worked with Pete during my time with Radio Birmingham 1973 to 1977 when I joined Radio Television Hong Kong. I returned to UK in 1993 and entered local politics in East Sussex.
    Pete was a very compassionate man who succeeded because he “cared” about people. We were lucky to have a supportive manager in Jack Johnston and great colleagues.

  2. Very sad to hear about Pete’s death, I left BBC Radio Birmingham in 1977 to join Radio Television Hong Kong. Pete was a genuine guy who worked hard to achieve his well earned position of broadcaster. I would also like to trace Malcolm Jay.
    Roger Thomas

  3. I was an Engineering Vacation Student at BBC Radio Birmingham in 1974 – and well remember Pete’s quiet professionalism and guidance he gave me and all who worked around him….
    Although I went on to do great things in TV Engineering – I never forget his understanding of the audience and the power of Local Radio he enshrined.

  4. Hello. I went to Cheswick green primary school with your daughter Sally. I never knew what happened, we drifted. I’m so sorry, Sally was a good friend of mine at junior school. I’d like to visit her grave.

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