‘Shalom Salaam’ was written and directed by Gareth Jones, and produced at Pebble Mill by Chris Parr. The 1989 series follows the story of a Jewish boy (John Cater) and a Muslim girl (Mamta Kaash) who fall in love whilst at college. Zia Mohyeddin, Charlotte Cornwell and Buki Armstrong also featured. Bob Jacobs was the 1st Assistant Director.
Photos from Ivor Williams, no reproduction without permission.
This cake was made to celebrate the 100th episode of The Clothes Show. Ivor Williams was one of the VT editors who worked on the popular Sunday afternoon fashion magazine show. The spelling of IROV on the cake was an in-joke. The ‘SM’ on the cake, I think stands for Steve May, also a VT editor.
The Clothes Show went out between 1986 and 2000. It was executively produced at Pebble Mill by Roger Casstles. Series producers included Colette Foster and Jane Lomas. The show grew out of ‘Pebble Mill at One’ fashion items, and became a huge brand, leading to the BBC magazine of the same name and the annual ‘Clothes Show Live’ exhibition at the NEC.
Breakfast Time’s Selina Scott and designer Jeff Banks were the series’ first presenters. Other presenters over the years included Caryn Franklin, Tim Vincent, Brenda Emmanus, Richard Jobson, and Margherita Taylor. The show included catwalk and high street fashion, including make-overs. The title music was a remix by Arthur Baker of the Pet Shop Boys’ ‘In the Night’ (off the 1986 ‘Disco’ album).
What really set the show apart were the high production values and innovations in digital video editing. The editing team were rewarded with a craft BAFTA award.
‘Come to Mecca’ was a series set in Brick Lane which went out in 1983. It was written by Farrukh Dhondy, directed by John McGrath and produced at Pebble Mill by Peter Ansorge. The play starred Zia Mohyeddin, Bharti Patel, Atal Patal, Sharman MacDonald, Dinesh Shukla, Nick Stringer, Moti Makan, Paul Anil.
Photos by John Burkill, no reproduction without permission.
‘Saturday Night at the Mill’ was a live entertainment show that went out between 1976-81. It was set in the courtyard behind the Pebble Mill foyer (where ‘Pebble Mill at One’ was situated).
An ice rink seems to feature in this episode of ‘Saturday Night at the Mill’, and Bob Langley is the host. Presenter Donny MacLeod is also featured, and it is possibly Anita Harris who is skating.
Please add a comment if you recognise other people in the photos, or can add other details.