All Creatures Great and Small cast, 1989. Copyright resides with the original holder, no reproduction without permission
Here is the next excerpt from “All Memories Great & Small” by Oliver Crocker:
Memories from Janice Rider (Costume Assistant on 1978 series, and Costume Designer on 4 episodes in the 1989 series):
‘I first worked for the BBC in 1976 and sometime after making a couple of period costumes for Joyce Hawkins, I was offered a seven week contract as a Dresser on the first series of Poldark. My enthusiasm was soon dashed however, when after I had revealed to the designer during the second studio recording that I had never worked on location before, I found myself unceremoniously ditched from the show… it never pays to be too honest! However, because the BBC had to honour the contract, I was transferred onto The Sheik of Pickersgill as Costume Assistant which was, ironically, a mini promotion! From then on I continued as a Costume Assistant and in 1978 began working on All Creatures Great and Small with Anne Barfield.’
60 cast and crew have shared their memories for this new book, which is available to preorder now from Miwk – http://bit.ly/2d7p5ts