Radio WM – photos by Philip Morgan

Photos by Philip Morgan, no reproduction without permission.

Here are some photos by Philip Morgan of Radio WM, taken in November 2004, at the viewing before the auction to sell off all the Pebble Mill fixtures and fittings, before the building was demolished.

I particularly like the sign for ‘Radio Birmingham 206’ pinned up by the clock.

Andy Walters, adds the following information: ‘There is still some equipment in use today that has those BBC Radio Birmingham stickers on. I don’t think any of that kit was included in the auction as it was being used for projects on the days of the auction. The Mk. 3 desks were taken away for spares by BBC Radio Lincolnshire. The pictures look to be of Area 3 (phone in room) and Area 2 (WM self-op studio) on the first floor. Hard to believe but there are still some stations using Mk 3’s today and there are still shelves of Mk 3 spares in the Mailbox for these stations. They were built like brick out houses.’

Run for the Lifeboat – photo from John Greening

Photo by John Greening, no reproduction without permission.

The photo is of the writer and director of ‘Run for the Lifeboat’, Douglas Livingstone.

‘Run for the Lifeboat’, was a Screen Two play, produced at Pebble Mill by Carol Parks.  It was transmitted in 1988.

The BFI database describes the storyline:

“Set in a Welsh fishing village. Maggie arrives from London with her son Terry. They meet Gareth Jones, a member of of the local life-boat crew and a friendship develops, resulting in Maggie’s marriage to Gareth.”

The play starred Stacey Tendeter, David Burke, Constance Chapman, John Pickard, and Ross Livingstone (who I think was the writer and director, Douglas Livingstone’s son).


Pebble Mill Skiing Photos by Ian Collins

Photos by Ian Collins, no reproduction without permission.

These photos date from April 1974.  They may have been taken during a skiing holiday organised by some of the VT engineers. The photos include John Duckmanton (brown coat and with camera), Mike Day (in brown sweater) and Tony Newbury (just peeping out from behind John). Please add a comment if you can add information about the trip and location.


Andrew Godsall – Film Transfer – photos by Peter Poole

Photos by Peter Poole, no reproduction without permission.

I took these photos about 1980. I worked with Andrew in the Dubbing Theatre and Film Transfer Suite. He later became a Studio Manager at The World Service. Then he became a Radio Producer working at Bush House and Broadcasting House. After leaving the BBC he was ordained. He is now the Canon Chancellor at Exeter Cathedral.

Peter Poole

Alan Duxbury on horseback – Paul Taylor

Photo from Paul Taylor, no reproduction without permission.

I really can’t remember too much about the programme. I seem to think ‘The Long Ride’ was on the schedule, we followed two riders from the coast across the Kintyre Peninsular. Alan rode backwards at times when leading our contibutors…. I chose to walk alongside (eyelines don’t matter so much for sound !)

Paul Taylor (sound recordist)

(The photo from the mid 1990s is of cameraman Alan Duxbury, shooting on location in Scotland)