Photo from Kathryn Shuttleworth, no reproduction without permission.
This photo of celebrity chef, Ainsley Harriott, was taken on the set of ‘Good Morning with Anne and Nick’. Ainsley was one of the resident experts on the live, morning show, which ran from 1992-6, using Pebble Mill’s Studio C.
The photo was taken with a panoramic camera, being demonstrated on the morning magazine show. They were left on set at the end of the show, and Kathryn kept them safe.
The following comments were left on the Pebble Mill Facebook Group:
Murray Clarke: ‘A lovely man. What you see is what you get! Great chef to work with. I worked with Ainsley on location shoots only (not in the studio). One programme saw him dressed as Superman on a bicycle to secretly cook dinner parties for hosts with zero culinary talents – and then to pop out of the kitchen at the very end to reveal the truth to the amazed guests!!! ‘
Denny Hodge: ‘I worked with Ainsley on ‘Ready Steady Cook’ we had great fun.’